
Breaking Ground for Groundbreaking Care

With a priority on wellness, CHOA created a connected, innovative environment to bring all of their support teams together.

Children's Healthcare of Atlanta

Children's Healthcare of Atlanta

Support Center

Atlanta, Ga.



Hendrick, DaVinci


Ancillary, Offices, Task Seating, Workstations




$$$$ (10-15M)

Children's Healthcare of Atlanta

Support Center

Atlanta, Ga.



Hendrick, DaVinci


Ancillary, Offices, Task Seating, Workstations




$$$$ (10-15M)

Children's Healthcare of Atlanta

Support Center

Atlanta, Ga.



Hendrick, DaVinci


Ancillary, Offices, Task Seating, Workstations




$$$$ (10-15M)

Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta was looking to leverage their existing real estate footprint to provide new workspace to improve efficiencies and communication among the healthcare system’s administrative employees. The project consisted of two new construction buildings as part of a consolidation effort to clear out existing buildings and make way for a new hospital to be built.

Project Highlights

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turnerboone provided ancillary, private office furniture, task seating, and workstations designed to create a connected and innovative environment. As part of a sprawling healthcare campus, these buildings included fitness facilities, a café, a wellness center, conference center, training facilities, and many outdoor venues to promote cross-campus connection. Every aspect of the space was designed with the priority of wellness in mind.


We have the best people in the industry who care about the success of your project as much as you do. We build trust through mutual respect, responsiveness, communication, and empathy.

The turnerboone team enjoyed working alongside Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta to furnish their new support center and help their team continue to care for children in our community.

Geneva Goodson

"The client wanted to develop standards that could serve all departments. The turnerboone project management & tbi team shined in working with the entire team to smoothly achieve the client and design team’s goals. Being a part of a process with an organization that so positively impacts our community was an amazing experience!"

Geneva Goodson
Senior Account Manager
Jason Taylor

"We collaborated with each team involved to ensure that the project was delivered on-time and in excellent condition. Getting the opportunity to work with such great people from an organization that is an integral part of our community is something I am proud to have been a part of."

Jason Taylor
Senior Project Manager

"We incorporated their existing standards while modifying to accommodate the growth of their team and new way of working. This space is a mix of offices, workstations, and collaboration to give their team flexibility in the workplace."

Megan O'Connor
Senior Account Manager

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Christine Ausman
Senior Account Manager
Geneva Goodson

"The client wanted to develop standards that could serve all departments. The turnerboone project management & tbi team shined in working with the entire team to smoothly achieve the client and design team’s goals. Being a part of a process with an organization that so positively impacts our community was an amazing experience!"

Geneva Goodson
Senior Account Manager
Jason Taylor

"We collaborated with each team involved to ensure that the project was delivered on-time and in excellent condition. Getting the opportunity to work with such great people from an organization that is an integral part of our community is something I am proud to have been a part of."

Jason Taylor
Senior Project Manager

Don’t Just Take Our Word For It